Mudathon Cincinnati 2011

Our MUD athletes  but at 5:30AM ready to hit the muck!

Michael..their number one fan and cheering section.  Side note...never before have I ever been the first person in a clean, empty, great smelling port-a-potty.  I even got to unwrap the toilet paper.  such a thrill for me!

Here they come thru the smoke screen start.

Can you find them in the middle of the pack?

Michael and I were trying to scope out where the prime real estate was for photo opts...we were walking to what we thought was the water are some of the 40 obstacles they had to face.

The cargo net climb

Emmy coming out of the 40 foot tunnel of terror.

High fives for the cheering section.

There is Emmy coming over the wall on the left...she has one leg over and is wearing a headband.

Running toward the rope crossing.

After watching the racers ahead of the girls, Michael and I learned that is was quicker and easier just to roll from one side to the other.

Now, this was a challenge...rappelling over the cliff gave just about everyone trouble.

Team work was the answer to this one.  Brooke's foot went clear thru the roots and it was up around the top of her leg.  At one point I think she was actually sitting on Emmy's head.

'I get by with a little help from my friends.'

Almost finished...last time thru the 100 yard long mud pit.

The finish lline

They look pretty clean to me.  After the race a lady that was to run later on in the day asked if it was really muddy.  Emmy's response...'it all depends on how muddy you want to get.'

In the videos we watched on YouTube there were showers or hoses or even firetrucks using water to clean most of the dirt off.  But this year.....

you just rinsed off in the creek.

Our MUD Athletes.

Just a short video to show you first how fun it was and then how muddy you can get.

Already getting together a team for next year...any takers?


Pappy said…
Slip sliddin away!

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