A Little Refreshment

I know, it doesn't look like much.   But on a hot day the line is forever long!  Michael thinks it is a big treat to get a tropical ice from Coop's.

Being the good uncle that he his, Michael read all the different choices ( there are more that 50 I am sure).

Alaire's choice...bubble gum, not doubt...not a seconds deliberation.


Not liking it so much.

Ellis has a hard time making some choices.  He was the last to order and I think he thought it would be safe to order the same thing his sister ordered.

The look tells it all...not such a good choice.

But Mr-I-Have-Been-Here-Before ordered a Hurricane or was it Hot Lava....

What ever it was, it hit the spot.

Mark wanted me to share his sour apple with him...thanks, but no thanks was the answer to that on so many levels.

Nothing like eating Coop's on a picnic table ...hanging out on Main Street.


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