Adventures In Nature

We loaded up the family truckster this morning bright and early and headed for the Cincinnati Nature Center to explore a new part of the Nature Center...PlayScape.  I took so many pics that I couldn't decide which ones to share.  But I was able to narrow it down to a you only get to see half of them...67 total.  Enjoy the smiles on the faces!

We all had a blast.  Lots of things to feel, smell and explore.  The creek was a definite favorite.  So much so Doodles just sat right down in the middle of it, clothes and all.  There were chairs cut from tree trunks, pits to dig in, tee pees made of big sticks, and paths all over the place.  We plan to go back when it isn't so sunny because there isn't a lot of shade and those 90 degree days just do us in.  So Ellis and Alaire be ready with your hiking shoes because next time you come guess where we are going?


Anonymous said…
Thanks Wammy, I just spent 4 minutes and 9 seconds crying while watching your slide show:) I miss those little rugrats and really do appreciated the pics, keep them coming (unless they are of birds:)

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