
It has been a long time since I have seen any goldfinches.  In WI we had a million of them.  I think they are such happy little birds with all that bright yellow.  I caught this one trying to hind in the flowers.

 You  can tell how much rain we have had by the newest contraption called a candle gauge.  We have several located in various locations around the yard...we just have to remember to empty them so they don't freeze up on the winter.  This male goldfinch (the one that goes with the female goldfinch in the first pic) tried and tried to get a drink of water out of this jar.

This little skinny guy drinks so much I think we should get him some really small Depends.  I noticed this morning that all the sugar water in this feeder is gone while there is still some in the others.  He must know how much I enjoy watching him fuel up.  We think we have three that frequent our yard on their journeys around the neighborhood.


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