Jason and Casey's Wedding

On our way home from the beach we made our way to Lewisburg.  Wouldn't have missed it for the world.  I have know Jason since way before he way born.  I have watched him grow from a snotty nosed little boy hanging with Bryce and Jeremy, a dirty little rug rat that played in the dirt with those blue eyes and hair that stood on end to a very handsome, caring, loving young man.  I have met Casey a few times and I can tell you that she is perfect for Jason.  Isn't it amazing how things just seem to work out if we just let them.

The wedding was held on the top of the hill of her parents farm in Lewisburg where Jason proposed.  There was a private family ceremony.  Then friends gathered at the Fair Grounds for the reception.  Just an interesting tidbit...the meat that was served (bear, wild boar and venison) was provided by Casey's Dad.

first (and only) dance

This little guy is my new best friend

This is trouble with a capital T for sure!

Aunt Leigh Ann (cake baker extraordinaire) and one of her sidekicks...Max

David and Jane Jenkins came all the way from CO.

Give a kid a chocolate covered pretzel and they will be a friend for life!

Gracie says that 'Alaria' is her cousin...in this family that is most likely possible...and I don't mean that in an ugly WV way....we have several aunts and uncles that are honorary

The girls are watching all the dancing and patiently waiting their turn to hit the dance floor.

Some last minute words of wisdom from Mom....Jason, did you pack any clean underwear?

Alaire is going to be a great Mom someday...she loves kids.

Cutting the cake made by Aunt Leigh Ann..three different flavors...my personal favorite and looks like theirs too...strawberry!

Not wasting a single crumb.

Aunt Martha and Aunt Kate

Emmy, Julie and Cassie...the girls

The Moms...Wammy, Nana Kate, and GiGi

What a bunch..but we are missing our Sarah Beth

The girls with Uncle Dale and Aunt Martha..oh...just FYI  Julie is due to have a c-section at the end of this month.

Bryce, MR Tardy and Jason...where's Jeremy?

Headed off to a honeymoon in Maui!

After the wedding we headed back to the hotel for a quick dip before they closed the pool for the night.  Michael swimming with my oldest (not really old but the friend I have had for the longest period of time in my life) Bill but I still call him Billy.

Our little fish...oh, I mean mermaids.

We had a great time.  The wedding pics were awesome.  The food was really good...I didn't think I would like bear but it was good.  Everyone looked  great!  It was fun to get hugs and kisses from all the kids. 

The next morning we were on our last leg of the trip back to WV then to OH.


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