Gluttons For Punishment

After Michael did his collecting this morning we were off to the zoo. Only to run into the biggest traffic mess on 275 EVER. So we hit the detour button on the Garmin and crossed our fingers. We made it in record time I think. I'm planning to share all the sit back ad relax.

Michael thought it was strange that they would have regular old horses on display at the zoo.  They are actually called Prazewalski's horses.

As you can tell by the smile that is wider than the Mississippi River...Komodo dragons are his favorite.

This was my first time ever sitting for one of the shows.  Wow...I have really been missing it!  It was great.  Lots of information and beautiful, talented birds.

taught us about recycling our cell phones

Birds flew inches above our heads.

These eagle shots are for you Emmy.

According to the zookeeper, the eagle has been taken off the Endangered Species list.

A few years ago there were only 5 pair of nesting Eagles.

Today there are over 150 pairs.  Now we don't have to drive to WI to see them!

That is his tongue sticking out.

I know it isn't a Red-tailed hawk.  But I do know that it is a hawk.

Best dollar spent at the zoo is to feed the lorikeets.  They were loving the sweat on my arms today.  And those little tongues tickle.  Michael had to go get a Zoo keeper to get them off of me.  He thought it was so funny.

prettiest bird I saw all day

he's sleeping

You know I have to go visit the goats.

Michael was in charge of the camera for the next few goat pics.

I guess the next lesson will be...getting my best side...which this is not!

Ms Renee...the giraffe shots are for you!

We always ride the train, the tram...but I draw the line at the carousel.  It makes me sick just watching it go round and round and round....

I have made lots of trips to the zoo with lots of different people.  But I have to say that today was the best yet.  We took it easy.  We took turns deciding what we wanted to see.  The crowds weren't too bad.  Only negatives...a little hot, lost Michael's water bottle on the tram but managed to get it back and we got a little turned around in the parking lot looking for the van (go figure).  It was a great day and I am ready to go back to either sleep with the manatees or HallZOOween.


Jan said…
Jan, you got some great photos. You know I love the zoo, too.
Anonymous said…
Thnx Miss Jan for the giraffe photos they made me cry ( a little) your the best. I love you!!!! xxx ooo
Anonymous said…
thnx Ms Jan for the giraffe pix. I love them, thank you for thinking of me. So sorry that Zuri is'nt there anymore. =( At least I got to see her. Giraffe's they are so beautiful and elegant.
xxx ooo
Sabrina said…
You wouldn't have to drive to WI to see the eagles anyway. There are several pairs in the New River area!!

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