Coney Island..Sunlite Pool

Where's Pappy?

jumping from the island

don't pile on the rabbit

It's not monkey in the's Alaire in the middle

All I wanted was one of those nice side of the pool family shots...but this is what I got.

climbing the ladder on the big slide

Ellis at the top

one point landing...on his bum

Now that is what I call a landing!

Rating...two thumbs up from Alaire

After numerous trips up the ladder in the 100 degree heat is still lots of fun.

Cassie and Alaire could be heard all over the pool...glad because it made it easier for me to know when to take a pic

Alaire already getting out to go again

they loved it

Can you tell by his face that his slide wasn't very fast?

Looks like some really serious Twister riding.

Alaire's last ride of the night

Ellis has decided that Coney is the best place on the planet...better than the beach and he wants to live there!


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