A Garden Party

The Wedding Weekend that we have been waiting for is finally here! We have been busy night and day trying our best to make this the wedding that Fred and Tacie have in their minds. Who knew we would ever be 'wedding planners'. I think we were able to give her what she dreamed about.
We worked long and hard on the yard all the while praying for no more rain. We were behind weeding and mulching because if all the rain we have had in the last few months.

The chairs are all lined up and ready for some company to have a sit and rest a spell in them time.

from a different angle...from our bedroom window

A little like Musical Chairs at first.

One of my favorite spots...the dessert table.  There were cherry and apple pies.

Carolina pulled pork on Hawaiian rolls, cole slaw and chips

The chow line

The Pastor and his wife with Betsy and Dewey, Fred's Mom and Dad.

Emmy getting to know Tacie's family.

What on the world is Jamie thinking sitting with all the boys?

I think this table was getting some last minute instructions from the bride-to-be

Diana and Daniel

Some of her silly bridesmaids.

Tacie with her family

We borrowed tables and chairs from all the neighbors.  We had several helpers scour thrift stores for china dinner plates with delicate floral designs.  We used forks that I have collected over the years of our married life.  And we drank sweet tea and lemonade from canning jars. Cake plates we made from dishes and anything we could turn over to make a stand.  We used potted flowers from the yard as centerpieces. Martha Stewart would have been proud.

The fountains were on.  The lights in the trees looks really nice.  The three little bats from our bat house were doing their best to eat as many mosquitoes as they could.  And Michael entertained himself all night long.  And the beautiful evening that I had prayed for for weeks was just perfect.


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