Wedding Shower At MWBC

It is always good to go 'home' and visit. Last night I was invited to the Wedding Shower for Fred and Tacie at Mt Washington Baptist Church. This is my second home. Spent lots and lots of hours here with lots and lots of wonderful people and the greatest bunch of youth and kids ever!  I remember when Fred was little enough to sit in a high chair for Wednesday Night dinners. I have known Tacie for just awhile but I can tell you that she is as sweet as can be and fits right in.

The cake was so good I could have eaten it all by myself.  From now on I will be going to the Kroger Bakery and getting cakes with whipped  is just the right amount of sweet.

Pot Lucks are always my favorite.  And I can testify that there are way to many good cooks at this church.  My recipe folder overflows with recipes from the ladies of this church.

The first official gift of the shower.

'Grandma' Ruby was the keeper of the gifts.

Fred has just broken the ribbon from the gift when someone shouted...'that's baby number one.'  Both Fred and Tacie were very careful after that.

Can you guess what this one contains?  It looks like a chair.

And we all need a good safe?
Fred used to climb this tree...thought it was a fitting spot for a picture.


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