School Carnival

One of the first things Michael did was buy pizza and a drink for himself and Peep.  Heck with the rest of us.  Four tickets used.

The Cake Walk...two cake.
The highlight of the evening was running into Mrs. Uhl, Michael first grade teacher.  She informed us that Michael had been chose an one of the star students for the month...meaning that he got to eat lunch brought in from McDonald's and he got to sit on the stage to eat it.  I am hoping that he will write something about it on his blog sometime next week.

Some game playing and cotton candy and a little ice cream...8 tickets.
Two mighty swings and he hit the bell...only one ticket used.

We checked out the petting zoo and watched kids dunk the teachers.  Then we decided to find Skyler and Lynlee and give them the rest of out tickets because we were starving for dinner...Red Robin here we come.


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