Paper Airplane Derby

 Michael and Isaiah were the two scouts from our Den that participated in the Airplane Derby this year.  Our first scheduled time was in late January but the weather caused us to cancel the Derby.  So we have been coning up with designs and practicing for months.  Our confidence soared!
Final design

RULES:  Coolest Airplane - This is a creative event for the scout who builds the Coolest/Most Unique Airplane. This is a separate airplane that is NOT used for the flying competition. This must be completed from home (or den meeting) before the Airplane Derby. There will not be enough time to build this during the meeting. You may use any amount or type of paper you wish but only paper (and glue or tape to hold it together).

Be creative! Decorate it with paint, markers, colored pencils, etc. The plane does not actually have to fly but should resemble an airplane (or some type of flying machine). Please put your full name and den number inconspicuously (that means so no one can see it easily) on the bottom of the plane so it can be easily identified.



more folding

adjusting design

Official Rules

•Scouts may only utilize the materials supplied at the event except for the Coolest Airplane contest.

•Scouts will have 8 minutes to create their airplane. Adult co-pilots may coach with words, but not hands.

•Planes are to resemble a flying type craft (i.e. you cannot ball up the paper and throw it).

•Planes will be quarantined in a hanger until their heat begins. After each heat the plane will go back in the hanger.

•Scouts must utilize the paper supplied, however the entire sheet does not have to be utilized. Use your own paper for for the Coolest Airplane contest.

•The paper clip is optional. If utilized, it must remain installed for all competitions.

•Scouts may not bring any modifying accessories or tools to the competition (scissors, templates, knives, rulers, glue, etc).

•All building must be done without assistance of tools.

•Airplanes may hit walls or other obstacles, however they must land on the runway area to be counted during the Distance competition.

•A judge will determine the coolest airplane for the Coolest Airplane contest

Our nerves were shot already.  So nervous our hands were sweating.  I could see the writing on the wall and it wan not going to be pretty.  We talked about good sportsmanship.  We talked about how cool our drawings were.   We talked about how fun it was to learn to fold paper airplanes is so many different ways.  And then it was Michael's turn.  You get two shots at the ring... 


Then we had to stand in line and watch everyone else throw .  I just packed myself on the other end and smiled my best smile.  I was dying g inside.    I knew by the reaction that the second throw was going to be do or die (cry).

Well, that went well. I love how he is now able to walk away and calm himself down. Again, I am dreading his last throw. I only pray it goes forward.

Well, that went better. After they all finished we had to sit and watch all the boys receive their trophies. All Michael could say was that he wished he could just get a third place trophy. When that didn't happen he was bummed. Then under his breath he says...'Well I guess I am just going to have to go to a fortune teller to find out what I am good at because fortune cookies just aren't doing it for me.' WHAT!!!!

The Wolf Winners....Isaiah won from our Den for going the farthest.

To help the wounds to start to heal we drove thru DQ and got a chocolate Snickers blizzard...that always helps no matter what the situation.


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