Mother's Day

One of my all time favorite things to do is go to the Zoo. The kids asked me one day what I wanted to do for Mother's Day...go to the Zoo came out of my mouth before their sentence was finished. They were praying for rain! But it is Zoo Babies, my favorite time of the year.  Let me just warn you..there are 50 pics to look at.  You are lucky, I took over two hundred.  Told you I love the Zoo.

Van Gough meet us as soon as we entered the zoo.  Get it because one of his ear tufts lays back...

I think the elephants always look so sad.

One of the many ducks on Swan Lake.

A new baby giraffe was born not long ago.  She was in the enclosure but that didn't stop Bryce from listening and talking to the Zoo Keeper.

At almost 30 he is still a play baby!

Check out the chunk of fish in his mouth.


Best dollar spent all day.

'I'm molting'

I think I caught him winking.

Michael liked this little monkey because it looked like he had a mohawk.

Michael always reads everything we see.

This big old turtle didn't look real.  We had to wait until he moved his head to be sure he was real.

This is our baby manatee.  How can something that looks like this be so graceful in the water?
Alaire, do you like snakes?

Hey T-Bird...does he look like a winner to you?

Naked mole of my favorites.  Don't ask me why.

Looks like this Silverback needs to make a trip to the dentist...he seems to be missing an important tooth on the top.

Monkey in the middle

Cassie I bet you didn't know that Michael had a wing span as big as a red tailed hawk...imagine

My 'Zoo Babies" and as you can see they are really excited about that.


Jan said…
What a great day. Love, love, love all the photos. I love the zoo, too.

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