Memorial Day Outing

We decided that we should take a little drive to the other side of the world today to Spring Grove Cemetery.  I had heard it is beautiful with lakes, swans, unusual buildings and trees that are hundreds of years old.  I have always wanted to go there and Emmy told us a story, urban legends or not, that gypsies come thru Cincinnati about this time each year to pay their respects to their leader who died in the Cincinnati area and is buried at the cemetery.  We were up for the challenge.  I had the GPS, Michael had his compass and Emmy had her smart phone...Peep was just along for the adventure.

When you first drive in there are handouts telling about all the different activities that are offered in the cemetery....Tuesday Summer Family Nights...Segway rentals, Fitness Walks, Cincinnati Zoo is worth your time on the Internet to check it out.

We searched and searched and we think we might have found the graves that the gypsies come to pay their respects.
We were telling Bryce what we were doing and he confirmed that thee gypsies were in the area...they had dinner at Ruby's Steakhouse in Downtown last night.

No only did we get to see all the above but the American Veteran's  Traveling Tribute Vietnam Wall display was set up.  I have been to Washington, DC to see the  Wall Memorial there.  While we were walking towards the display I was trying to explain what it was to Michael.  He seemed to be soaking it all in.   As usual her read just about everything that was in print.

It all is hard to take in, that all the names listed are men and women who gave it all so we can live to be free to walk around a cemetery taking pictures with our families...
This one got to me.  I was explaining to Michael why there was this 'sculpture' as he put it...I explained what it meant and why it was so important for us to be respectful when I noticed two handwritten notes secured to the ground with sticks about Matt Maupin...a solider from our area that was captured and killed by the enemy and then discarded.  His parents and many other have worked for years to find his remains and then have them returned home to them.  It touched me that someone took the time to leave a message.  I must remember to control my tears because Michael has such a tender heart.  From that point on, he didn't want to know anything else.

A Purple Heart


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