A Little Trading

As I have said a million times ...we have the best neighbors. We not only share kids but we also share things like some bricks for a compost bin.

This makes compost bin #3...and all are cranking out the best compost you have ever seen!  Our other two are way out in the back of the back yard,...and they are homemade.  This sleek looking little thing is almost out the backdoor...well, maybe  out the backdoor and around the corner of the house.  And look it is right beside rain barrel #1.  There  are two more rain barrels waiting to be set up out by the barn.  Oh, I feel like such a tree hugger!

Mark is cutting bricks t make the finished curved edge on the barn patio.  I have to say it looks really nice,  As soon as it stops raining I'll get a shot and post it.


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