Celebrating Cinco de Mayo

We have a tradition in our family...eating at our favorite Mexican Restaurant on May 5th, Cazadores.  You may wonder why we celebrate this holiday...ask Michael and he will tell you it is because he 'needs to celebrate his heritage'.  And this is true...he is part Hispanic.  Just the other day he told me that he would like to go to Mexico to learn about his heritage.  Don't see that happening anytime soon but I know we will visit Cazadores many more times.

These two couldn't take a serious pic if their lives depended on it. 

On the way home from work Emmy stopped and picked up a pinata...Michael's  favorite!

Mark was in charge of the pinata...big mistake.  Lynlee was first up.

Then Skyler.

Luke gets in a couple of wackes.

Michael getting ready it kill it.

When it came my turn, those goofs spun me around until I was sick.

Mommo trying to get a few hits in.

Emmy finally gets a turn.

Ms Renee with a smashing blow to the middle.

A free for all ensued.

Michael really doesn't get too excited about too many things but his 'heritage'...well, that is a totally different story.

On the way to dinner Mark asked Michael id he had a choice of going to Disney World or Mexico which one would he choose.  With out a seconds thought he said Mexico.

Just so you are in the know about your Mexican Holidays....Cinco de Mayo is a regional holiday in Mexico, primarily celebrated in the state of Puebla, with some limited recognition in other parts of Mexico. The holiday commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín.


Jan said…
What a fun post and photos, Jan. You should tell Micheal that you'll probably go to Mexico, once he learns to speak Spanish!

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