Trying To Make The Summit

From the time we told Michael that we were going to CO to about every other minute all I heard was...'Mom, I want to go to the summit.' That's the only thing he has constantly said he wanted to do. Sooo, Cassie being the best big sister ever, was going to try to get him there no matter if it meant with her fear of heights, she would be terrified of the drive back down the mountain.
It didn't look too bad to me.  I'm not crazy about heights either.

We did see lots of snow.

This was a far up the mountain as we could go.  ROAD CLOSED  But that didn't stop us from having fun....
We even saw snow down the mountain.

We got to play in the big snow banks.

We made a little snow family.

Michael thought he was on top of the world.

A Biggest Snowball Contest broke out.

We left our mark...One Wammy and three snow kids.

Michael's snowball was pretty serious.

I asked Cassie if she would take a shot of us all jumping for joy.  She took a million but this was the funniest one.  Alaire  must have some springs in her legs and feet.  That girl can certainly jump.

It was one of my favorite times this trip to CO.  I could have stayed in the mountains the entire week but we had more  important things to do down the mountain.  Even got a bit of a sunburn while we were playing.


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