Scout Clean-Up Saturday

The weatherman said it was going to be in the 70's today with a chance of rain. Good thing I went with my gut or we would have frozen to death. I'd rather be hot that cold. So this morning at 8:45am we pulled into the church parking lot with our rakes, garden gloves, and my secret garden trusty garden skuffle hoe.

I think Wyatt and Michael were the only scouts from Den 9.  There were lots of other boys and their parents already working.  I think they were trying to get ahead of the storm that was sure to come.  I could feel it in my bones.

It is like playing Where's Waldo?  Can you find Wyatt?  Michael is sweeping with Wyatt's little broom that he has had since he was five years old.

I have a new gardening buddy.  His name is Herb.  He as been on the church trustee's board for nine years.  His wife is Mennonite.  He has a big vegetable garden.  He is pretty funny.  And he is a good man!  He had the boys shoveling weeds into a wheel barrow.  A very patient man.

They did the entire bed, with nonstop talking!  Those two together are a ton of fun.  You never know what one of them is going to say.

We weren't moving fast enough for them, so they moved on to the next bed and started spreading mulch.  Once they moved around the corner I have no idea what they got into....

This is Theo's Mom.  They live down the street from us.  Michael and Theo went to the same preschool.  Mrs. Weeks had Michael pulling weeds from the brick cracks.  Not a job he likes very much but it was different when she asked him to do it.  Work and talk.  Talk and work.

Then they noticed the snack table.  Donuts and OJ and no one to tell you that you should only have one donut.

It was a great day!  We finished our side of the church and managed to stay dry.  The rain didn't start until about 10 minutes after we pulled out of the parking lot.


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