Monday Highlights

Monday morning started with have to gets lots of stuff when you are sprucing up your house...more on that later! With our list and a fist full of dollars we headed off to Target. Oh, and how Wammy rules! Why you might be asking yourself...because my pockets are deeper than Auntie Em's this time!

Cassie, Lane and I sat at a table while the three yahoos sat at the bar.  Lunch just happened to be at Target.  They have a pizza hut.  I scored big with Michael because he has always wanted to eat at Target.  He also earned a trip to the toy (Lego) Dept because of something awesome that he did.  I am hoping that Cassie will fill you in on her blog when she has a chance.

Alaire has some new goggles and a new baby that doesn't have a name.

We went home and put Alaire down for a nap and the boys down for a rest.  We on the other had started what has now been called the marathon painting session.  After dinner we raced to the Rec Center to get in a little swim time...AKA...wear them out!

And what is a trip to CO without having a camp out in the living room with candy and popcorn...Yea  Wammy.  I rule!

The videos of swimming I have saved for last.  You will totally be amazed!

And our week only gets better!


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