Lovin' The Sun

We had an all day outside kind of day!  Pappy was off so we did lots of yard work and everyone helped.  He let us take lots of breaks.  We had so much fun and our naps were really long. ( see Wammy smile here)
We always have snacks and sometimes even lunch outside when it is pretty.

Pappy was supposed to be helping Wammy with this shot...looks like he needed a little help.

We love the front porch swing!  Wammy starts us out early by swinging and singing to us while we wait for the bus to come and bring Michael and Luke home from school.

Look who is really on the go now...

The blue of his eyes and the blue ball match perfectly.

He is working so hard to make a basket...a few more inches and he will be able to do it all by himself.

I love how he works his tongue when he is really trying to do something.

We removed a dead bush ans the hole was Carter's favorite place.

Look what I found.

I think he might have eaten just a bit of dirt.

Doodles is ready for anything...snack, drink and 'squirt, squirt'.

What a day it was!  I'll take just a few more of those.  We had so much fun and even managed to get s a little yard work in.  And they are such good helpers! 


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