A Little Yard Work

We spent most of time painting but Cassie and Trevor really wanted/needed to work on the backyard. As you can see..this poor backyard needed a major work job.

First things first...hose rolling up.

As you can tell there isn't much grass.  You would think with all the snow that they get, there would be plenty of water.  NOT!  It is bone dry.  The wind always blows.  And by blows I mean when Cassie opened the back door one day the wind blew Alaire against the kitchen table.  Trevor reworked the fire pit but we think we need to redo his work.  Cassie would love to build some benches to put around it.

A lot of the yard are covered in rock,  Seems really strange to me...I like my weeds and grass.

There is a small flower bed that runs along the outside of the bottom fire pit wall.  We got all the weeds out and planted some marigold seeds that I harvested from our yard.

There are two raised vegetable beds.  And lots of red bark mulch that covers landscape fabric.  Cassie and I re purposed the mulch to the front yard street side.

Trevor rented a tiller.  They had talked about resodding the backyard but we decided that we would just plant grass seed and water the heck out of it.

Oh, a man and his power tools!

Some of Cassie and Trevor's friends, the "McCrazies"  came to help.

So now it is all tilled, raked and seeded.  Just hoping and praying for sun and lots of water.

It really looks like a different backyard.  Now to get a truck to take all the junk to the dump.

After all that hard work we made pizza...well, Papa Murphy made it we just popped it in the oven.

Then a little TV time so we could clean up the kitchen and get ready for the campfire.

Nothing better that a good campfire with s'mores.


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