Jail Nose

Poor Ella Bella!  To top everything else off she now has what the vet calls 'jail nose'.  Not sure how she got it but she has scratched the top layer of dark skin off her nose.  The girls are so worried about her boo-boo.  As soon as she is not confined to her 'condo', as Doodles calls her kennel, it will heal.  Report is that she still is not allowed to go up and down stairs, no walks, and meds twice a day until the are finished.  She is loving all the extra little treats and the times that I carry her up the stairs and put her on the bed while Michael is getting ready for bed.  We are still having to get up several times during the night to take her out.  Her steroids make her thirsty...thus trips out side about every 2-4 hours.  The only thing normal about her is that she still barks at anything and everything that moves outside.  That part will never change.

Side note....Michael knew that Mark was taking her back to the vet last week.  As he was getting on the school bus I hear him tell Ella...'hope you are here when I get back.'  We had a quick discussion that this trip to the vet was just to check on Ella's progress.


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