*next seven or eight blogs are a little later in coming.  We have been so busy painting the inside of the house, working in the yard, and having some fun that when we finally get to sit down it is usually time for bed.

We made it! Cassie, Ellis and Alaire were at the airport waiting for us because our flight was about 15 minutes late...turbulence! Extremely windy in Denver.  We decided that they didn't need to come in to get us so we met them outside luggage claim.  We waited and waited and then all of a sudden I heard this blood curdling screen...'Walk up Wammy!'  Michael says, 'Mom, do you recognize that voice?'  Oh yes, Ellis has a really high pitched little voice.

That Pappy he is always thinking...he sent half of his Penn Station sub to Cassie because she know that is one of her all time favorites and they do have one in Denver.

Alaire loves her Uncle Michael.  And Michael puts up with all her shenanigans pretty well.  She was excited to see him.

Ellis was excited too but a little bit tired.  Ellis was so excited to be able to show Michael his new church building...it was their first night in the new building.  And it was awesome! 
Having a little fun on the swing set that will be finding a new home fairly soon.

Ellis and Alaire wanted to show us the new bike trail that they found.  So off we went before the sun went down.  Cassie always has a friend that is willing to share a bike with us for a week while we are in town.  Michael loves it.

Last year it was rattlesnakes on the trail.  This year it's coyotes. Yikes!  Cassie said that she could hear some far away from where we were.  I didn't hear a thing.
This is were I took hours of video of them taking turns showing off their bike riding skills and tricks for the camera.  I really have hours.

There they go on the backside of the trail.

A little bike riding and a little rock climbing is just what you do when your live in CO.

Now I know why the coyotes lke this area.  Can you see the rabbit in the pic?  there were lots of them and a lake for water.Prime spot for some coyote livin'.

Such a great spot for a shot.

Such wonderful, loving, and caring children.

Well, maybe not all the time.

Can you see the buffalo off in the distance?


Anonymous said…
That looks like so much fun. I love going on hikes and stuff like that. Those are really good pictures too :)

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