A Happy Camper

No rain in the forecast today...I am keeping my fingers crossed that will be the case because after scouts I have a huge pile of mulch to tackle.

We were out as soon as the thermometer said 50 degrees...well I might have fudged a bit with 47.

It is so nice now that Carter is up and walking around.  I can actually play with them all now and not feel bad because he is sitting int he stroller, or my lap or in the ghetto pool.  He loves being outside.  His favorite thing to do so far is sit with Ella Bella in the grass. 

He has seen the girls playing on this big blue ball.  One day he will master it but for now he just carries it around or rolls it down the driveway.

He actually got a chance to sit in the car today.  That is unusual because the other two argue just a bit about who already had a turn.

He is such a serious little soul. 


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