Guess Who's Comin' To Town?

It's 1130 your time on Friday and I just cleared customs. Now it is a giant waiting game. I have an itinerary. Many things could change from now till then but here is the plan. Sat. the 30th from Atlanta to Charlotte flight number DL2098 then from Charlotte to Charleston flight number US4102. Best case scenario I am in Charleston around 1600 (4:00 PM) I think you can track if my flights are on time or not from the Internet but I don't know. Sabrina would. Changes could include, but are not limited to the standard weather/mechanical delays. However, when I get to Atlanta, word is they are very good about working with the troops to move us to an earlier flight if available. I'll be in touch if that happens. That's all I have right now. We fly west sometime in the middle in the night to put us in Atlanta early in the morning. I'll be home soon.
Lots of love,


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