Friday Morning Dance Party

Oh, the air is filled with so much excitement I can hardly contain myself!  Big happenings at school yesterday!  Bob Herzog, the traffic guy from Channel 12, has a Friday Morning Dance Party, when there are no traffic problems to report.  If you have a FaceBook account, friend Meadowview Elementary and you can see it unfold right before your very eyes...600+ students and teachers singing and dancing their hearts out.  I can tell you that Michael has on a light blue t-shirt and his partner has on a red one.  they are to the right side of the screen.

Here are some shots that Mr Dunn, the most awesome principal in the world took.

See that cute little dancer with his eyes closed...that's our little dancing machine.

You would never know it by his face but he really was excited.

Can you see the sweat dripping off that little head?

OHIO fist pump

Let's see how good you are...can you find him?

oops, dancing to the beat of his own drum.

We have the DVR set to catch all the action tomorrow morning at 6:45AM.  If at all possible I will post the 'production' tomorrow.


Jan said…
I found him on the video you posted on FB. What a great experience for all the kiddos.

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