Cincinnati Nature Center Hike

Wyatt came over to play one night and we ended up having a sleepover because ...'Mom, I have a two man bed, so Wyatt can sleep with me'  How could you say no to that!  So we called his parents and they brought over all the essentials for a sleepover.  I made a midnight run to Kroger for donuts and all those other things that you need to fill up little boys.

We love out Nature Center!  There is always something going on there and the people are so nice.  Right after this picture Wyatt asked me if I always take my camera everywehre with me. He sounds so much lke Michael..  At one point he told Michael that he should just ingore more, pose for the pic and get it over with.  Smart boy, that Wyatt.

These two scouts are into maps and directions.  Sometimes they can't agree on how to read the maps.  Check out those walking sticks...they are canes from my Dad.  They both have earned their hiking sticks thru scout but haven't had a Pack meeting to receive them yet.  They are really looking froward to that.
Bleeding hearts growing out of a crack in a step.

Always talking these two, non stop!

I guess I need to purchase a wildflower book so we can learn the names of the flowers we see.

The first bench of every hie is designated at the rest/snack bench.


Listening station.  All along the trail there are information points.  If you have your cell phone handy there is a number you can call and learn all sorts of things.  Love that!

Makes me think I should make some ants on a long for a snack for next hike.

We aren't sure if these are salamanders of big bull frog tadpoles that haven't lost their tails yet.  Anyone?

All by my self.......

Aren't thees the turtles that you buy in the pet store?  These are on steroids I guess.

We all tried to climb out on this limb but our boots/shoes were too slick.

I love it when they get excited about something they have found.

They make it look so simple.

This might be considered one of those times when you just pose for the shot and be done with it.

Exploring on his own.

Lenten rose

Cooling off after our hike in the Nature Center Building.  They have so many activities to do.  But Wyatt like the shopping section the best.  We found some amazing things.  They have a maple tap for gathering maple syrup...maybe it will be my first purchase.  We have a few maple trees...we might just tap a few next year and try our hand at making maple that Andy has shown me how to do it.

I wanted to get some shots of the birds at the bird feeders but this goldfinch was the only one snacking.

Last shot of our hick...then on to find some lunch.  It was a great day and I think we wore Wyatt out.  We have decided to go hiking again, but they want to go when it is not so sunny and 85 degrees!  Like I said before...scouts in training.


Jan said…
What a fun day. You are such a Grand Mom!

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