All In a Day's Work

I just love a good sunny day...temps not too hot, little breeze and a driveway full of kids and toys!

But first and gotta look good!

Then you need to fuel that little furnace.

And hydration is the key to a successful day.

It is not all play at Wammy's house.  First things first.

A little yard work...planting marigolds in preparation for Earth Day

Remembering that seeds and pants need water just as much as we do.

Sometimes they need a lot of water.

Something just wasn't write according to farmer Carter. He fixed us up just fine.

Taking a break on the swing with his favorite ball.

It is such a challenge taking care of 'Kelli', carrying her diaper bag and running the tractor at the same time.  She is learning early that Moms always multi task.

After all that hard work and play a girls is entitled to a little snack.

Michael, Luke and Skyler better watch out because Carter is a Samurai warrior in training.

Who could resist a little afternoon walk.

Construction is always an important part of our day.  Demo is not too bad either.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do...mulch sorting is top priority.

Wammy, when's my Mom coming?  I'm hot, tired and ready for my carseat snacks and the ride home.


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