Adventures In Estes Park

I'm thinking there just might be some mountain climbing genes in these children. Alaire I can understand...she was born in CO but the other three (including the Oldest child of mine) loved spending times on the rocks that were close to the ground.

We drove all through the Rockies looking for purposing them into the opening of Cassie and Trevor's fire pit.

To do that we had to find rocks...The YMCA of The Rockies was a good choice.

Ellis climbed rock after fear.  I think he is part mountain goat also.

Michael likes to climb but he is just not as quick and agile and the rest of them.  But he will conquer all he attempts.

The littlest mountain goat would not be out done.

I love the way she is looking at her Mom.

Taking a shot break.

This is the new background on my computer.

Michael found this and decided that it was a dinosaur back.

Out of nowhere Cassie found a cactus growing among the rocks.

I took this shot of this baby prairie dog.  Many, many years ago, the National Youth Convention was help at the YMCA of The Rockies.  We rode on a bus filled with youth from Ohio..26 hours...Bryce was small and wasn't able to join in the activities.  All he did most days was lay right beside a prairie dog hole in hopes to catch it when it came out.  Hours he spent waiting!

There was a small herd of elk grazing thru the grass next to the cabins.  Look and the difference in the antlers of the two.

I'd say that the day was a great success!  And he was snoring.


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