We Are Eating Again

That Pappy...how we love it when he is off for the weekend.  We found another fun place to have lunch...check out out Eating Our Way Thru OHIO blog for more details about the Little River Cafe.

We had no idea where to go for lunch after our hike so we decided to trust the GPS.  Funny thing, this little Cafe was right at the bottom of the hill.  Next beset thing...it is right on the bike trail.  Not sure yet how far it is from where we get on the bike trail but it worth the look.  I am almost sure it will be an all day bike ride.

Alaire doesn't care if the animals are dead or alive...she seems to love them all.  Maybe someday she will grow up to be a famous vet.  We could use one in our family.

This one is for you Mamaw...an owl, your favorite.

Emmy ordered a bowl of French onion soup.  I think shemight have gotten two bites.  She ended up ordering another...she didn't get much of that one either.

One big family of happy hikers and eaters.  Now we need to save up for the next weekend that Mark is off for our next adventure.


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