Two Legged Feathered Friends

In this weeks Cedarmore blog entry Andy tells us about the chickens on the farm and why they are  important.  Click here to go visit Cedarmore Farm CSA.  You will be entertained by all the antics of the animals.

As many of you know, I am sorta really excited about being able to spend time with an Amish family and learn about the ways of an organic farmer.  I have been reading a book, Plain Secrets by Joe Mackall, where I am learning more and more about the Swartzentruber Amish.   From the readings and from talking with Andy And Lizzie I have learned they believe that they need to take care of the land or as Joe wrote, 'sacred stewardship of land'.  They have a unquestioning faith in God and the plan he has set out for them.  And they are devoted to their families.  And they are a community in every sense of the word.


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