Stonelick Lake

After a morning of doing unexpected activities around the house we finally made it to our hike.

We had no idea really where we were going to hike today but knew it was such a beautiful day that the housework and painting could wait.

Michael leading the way to the trail head with his new camel back from Emmy.

This is what I call a happy camper.

It was getting late in the day so we figured a little two mile hike was justt what we needed.

We found some bones by the trail.

A pretty good place for a quick shot of the hikers.

I love these little fern like plants.  They almost looked like little evergreen umbrellas.

It sure was a good idea to bring boots.  Wonder who's idea that was?  A good scout is always prepared.

We thought that Michael would be really impressed with this bridge that was an Eagle Scout project.

And a good scout always makes sure that there are enough snacks for everyone.

A really quick trail right before dark.

Looks like a pretty new bat bat poo.

One of many deer tracks that we saw along the trail.

We started on this trail a little too late to finish.   So we have decided to go back another day to finish what we stated here and do the Lake Trail...maybe even camp.


Jan said…
Looks like a great outing. Micheal is a good scout, always prepared. Did I tell you that Bob and I met because of scouting. He was a Sea Scout and I was a Mariner Scout, in our teens.
Anonymous said…
That looks like so much fun. I love going hikes in the wilderness. I'm totally jelious.

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