Somebody Had A Birthday

Wammy, please don't make me were this hat!  It is my birthday and I really shouldn't have to do things I don't want to.

Doodles brought shamrock cookies to the party.  And Carter loved them for so many reasons.
Thanks Doodle Bop!

I'll show you...I'll just squish this hat all up before I play with my new trucks.

Allyson dissecting every part of her cookie.  She gives them two thumbs up!

Doodles picked them out special.  Yummmmmmm

Buddies until the bitter end.

All tuckered out from the party.  It has been a big weekend...and he has one party to go this evening.

This is a rare shot...everyone is almost looking at the camera.  (Wish you could have heard the instructions from Michael the photographer)



The Oakes said…
Happy Birthday TARTER. I love Doodle's face in that last picture
Anonymous said…
Why were we not invited to the birthday party? We love cookies (especially Emmy and Erika)
Saffi, Ernie & Fiona

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