Pinewood Derby...Phase 7...Weigh-in

We were there at 6:31PM. Doors opened at 6:30PM. And we were about 8th in line. I was amazed at some of the cars. Some families had two and three cars. But we had good old #11.

We weighed in at 4.40 ounces.  5.0 is the limit.  We had a little we add weight?  'No, I'm  good with that, Mom.'  Next they see if the entire car fits into the 'legal length' box.

We had to wait until we got out into the parking lot to take a picture of the patch 'we' earned that will go on Michael's red vist.

The red patch is the official Pack patch.  The blue on came in the kit from lowe's.  It has a scouting emblem on it so we are sewing it on the red vest too.

Come back and visit on Saturday night...the race starts at high noon on Saturday...and I will have  post by then.


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