A Nice Idea

A week or so ago Lowe's and some of the local Amish men built this stable for the buggies.
There is an Amish community not too far from Lowe's.  Some come by way of drivers and other come in their buggies.  We were talking to Andy last weekend about how long it takes him to get to Lowe's from his house in a horse and buggy.  When the driver comes around in a van on Tuesdays and picks up whoever needs a ride into Hillsboro it takes about 45 minutes.  If they go by horse and buggy it is a two hour trip in and then a two hour trip back.  The poor horses were then tied to the lamppost in the blacktopped parking lot in the middle of the hot sun in the summer.  Now they will have a nicer place to maybe cool off.

Lowe's provided all of the materials and about 10 Amish men provided the labor.  And it only took them about four hours from start to finish.  I think it is nice that two communities work together for the common good of both.

I only had two concerns...who will clean up after the horses? (a bucket and shovel will be provided) and where will the horses get a drink?  I'm thinking a rain barrel would come in handy...the gutter is already open on the left side.


Unknown said…
That is really really cool. Oh, and Yahoo for Amish food :)

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