Maria Farm

Another weekend off for Mark. So you know what that means...ROAD TRIP...
We loaded up the van with four yahoos and headed off to Hillsboro...Rose and Dean's Farm.

There were turkeys...three of them.  We found some feathers.

Chickens of all shapes and sizes.  This is where Mark gets our awesome brown eggs.
All good farmers need to have their pictures taken on a tractor.

This farmer was bundled up to the max...good thing because the wind was cutting us to the bone.

You might know this as a peacock.  But from this day forward this is a pea-hawk, according to Alaire.  Rose gave us all a pea-hawk feather.  They are beautiful.

Rose uses this carriage for weddings.  I  can only imagine how beautiful it is all gussied up.

Ellis giving the corn planter a go.

Alaire could not be left out.

Check out the hair pretty on the miniature horse.  Alaire was so excited about it.  This was her days favorite animal.

This horse was BIG!!  And so sweet.  Rose talks to them the way I talk to little ones.

I think Alaire pet every animals twice if not three times.

This little cow gave me some butter.  Ellis thought her horns were pretty awesome.

This little calf isn't very old.  He really wasn't sure about us.

The bunny was a big hit too.

Not to be our pet...Ellis thought she was pretty soft too.

Pigglets everywhere.  I was in heaven.  This little piggie is my favorite.  I'll call him Wilber.

These were the noisest little things.  They aren't very old...maybe a week old.

These little piggies are just hours old.  There was one really skinny one...of course my favorite.  Oh, I want  to live on a farm.....

Rose (she works at Lowe's with Mark) and Dean showed us every animal on the farm.  And we learned so much.  What a great trip.  I am hoping we can go back again later on in the summer to see how much the animals have grown.


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