Lyndsey's Gift

I know that Lyndsey won't mind if I share this on the blog. I remember the night that she brought this poem to the hospital. Emmy, Seth, Jeremy, Bryce and I think Jason and I were all sitting in the waiting room. It was later, way after visiting hours and everyone else had gone home. Lyndsey was nervous about reading it to Sarah Beth. We all thought it was the sweetest thing. I'm glad she shared it on FaceBook.

There are things I don’t understand.
Things I’ll never see.
Things that will never make sense.
Well, at least not to me.
There are things that make me mad.
Things that make me cry.
Things that have me stop and think
And want to know the answer “Why?”
But God has a plan.
I know this to be true.
I’ve seen it every day.
I’ve seen it because of you.
You’ve touched so many lives
An Angel on Earth you are.
You’ve help those that have been lost
Find Jesus in their heart.
And there is no doubt in my mind
That when you see the Maker’s face.
That he will look at you and smile
For you honored his Amazing Grace.
You are so strong and beautiful Sarah
And taught so much to me.
How to TRULY be in love with God
And how it is to really BELIEVE.
Thank You Sweet Sarah
It is a blessing to know you
Please don’t ever forget

Lyndsey Watkins


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