What's A Wammy To Do?

A little case of pneumonia!   Doodles still isn't her crazy old self.  She is soooooo needy today.  'Hold me Wammy.'...'Don't look at me Wammy.'  'My leg hurts Wammy.'  Had to almost force her to eat (and that is not normal) so she could have her meds.  Then she perked up for about 30 minutes then back to her 'needy time.'
Ear infection!  Another buckaroo that's not quite up to par.  Allyson has an ear infection and a small case of 'Wammy jealousy.'  But she is a great helper and definitely is keeping me on my toes today.

Cutting molars!  Carter is even a little under the weather today.  He doesn't want to eat...gags when ever a spoon touches his lips.  But I did manage to coax him into eating some yogurt puffs and some juice and milk.  Love the new shirt!

I found a way to help me get thru the day....Mark brought me a brownie from Miami Market.  They are huge and filled with chocolate chunks.  Just what I needed today.  I think I might be going to bed when Michael does tonight to get some needed rest for tomorrow.  It has got to be better tomorrow, right?


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