Hard To Keep Up

This jay bird runs around the yard like a hummingbird...here, over there, back, under the swing, up the ladder, down the slide....all in a matter of seconds!
She is a natural...always with this 'cheese face' when she see me get out the camera.

Here is is on top of the platform getting ready to do down the slide.

Time out to get a rock out of her sock?  I don't think so...out of her cool black boots I would think.  No, she insists it is in her sock.  I know her evil plan, throw the shoe and sock down the slide first and then go down after it.  Nope, Wammy 'don't' play that game.

What do you want to bet...I'm betting that somehow, someway, she will manage to get her head stuck in there before summer comes.
Don't look now but she wanted to climb over this 2x4 to get down.  She is going to give me even more grey hairs than I already have.


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