First Pack Hike, Eden Park

We were finally able to make a Pack Hike. Seems like all the other ones Michael was sick. Today was a little cold but we were ready for any thing that the weather was going to throw at us.
Michael was beyond excited that Wyatt was going to go on this hike also.

Before we even started to hike I told Michael that if he whined or complained that he would be be able to earn his walking stick.  That stick is a really big deal.

I'd call what we walked today and 'urban hike'...we never got off the concrete sidewalk.

We were a little disappointed but still had fun.  We even saw some wildflowers.

The remains of an old Cincinnati Water Works plant.

We walked thru a magnolia grove where the trees were just starting to bloom.

Another carving

Michael and his buddy, Wyatt, just before they pulled out their snacks at the Overlook.

We are just seeing the first signs of spring.

An old pumping station

The Memorial Groves of Eden Park.

I'm thinking we are going to have to come back here with Mark.  This would be right up his alley.

The Memorial Grove is right across the street from Krohn Conservatory.  And features right now are butterflies from Brazil.

George W. Bush's tree is a magnolia.

JFK has a oak tree

And back to Mirror Lake we return.  It was a great day.  Michael and Wyatt brought up the rear the entire day.  They talked non stop about all sorts of things.  And to make the day even better we all went to lunch.  Check that out on our Eating Our Way Thru Ohio blog.


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