Caesar Creek Lake Hike

Another busy Adventure Day with Pappy...he keeps us hopping on the weekends...especially when we have special visitors! We are not complaining...we really like it!
Alaire resting up before the big hike.

Michael is such a good teacher.
Who needs a GPS when you have such a cute map reader?

We almost lost Ellis in this little pond.  He was sliding towards the heart was in my throat!

While waiting for Pappy Michael and Ellis ran around the pond a few times.


Overlook at the dam

I'm thinking Cassie better find where they make really strong jeans...Ellis is into practicing his baseball slide.

Getting these three to pose/stop for a picture is no easy feat.  I'll take what I can get...funny faces and all.  What they don't realize is that I will be using some of these when they get married for one of those embarrassing photo montages.

Oh look...a good shot!  I had to promise her that we would go get lunch.

The men

With all the rain that we have had the spillway was full.  The sound and force with which the water comes out of the lake is amazing!

I just happened to see this little waterfall before getting into the van.  It actually is an auxiliary spillway.

It was a fun day but the wind, rain and cold cut our hiking trip short.  So now it was on to find lunch...imagine that!


Anonymous said…
That hiking looks like lots and lots of fun. I'm super jealous.
Anonymous said…
I just wanted you to know that I have been following your blog for several months now and I enjoy it all. I like the Amish family, I love seeing your little ones and hearing about the bigger ones. I love the fixing up the backyard day. I want you to know I am taking a bath in a tub exactly like that now. Only in the bathroom. Ha, Ha.

Love you guys: Donna Lipscomb

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