One Sick Puppy

A week ago it all started...I should have known it was coming.  Michael was a little grumpy, his teacher even mentioned it.  I could see it in his eyes.  I could hear it in his nose.  I should have known.  One week later he is still camped out in the our bedroom with books, Legos, Kleenex, a humidifier and enough medicine to choke a horse and our new favorite friend, the Nettie pot.  We can count on his happening at least twice a year, once in the winter and once in the spring.  It starts with a few sniffles and then developed into a full blown head cold that just won't quit.  Usually an ear infection moves in, or maybe a double, if we are lucky...NOT. 

And I need to mention that at this point he is on the verge of tears every minute of the day  He is the greatest patient ever.  You just feel so sorry for him...his head hurts.  His throat hurts (no strep).  His nose hurts me to look at it.  His legs hurt.  He is miserable.  And he is not hardly eating know he really feels bad if he doesn't want to eat.  He missed his Valentine party at school.  He missed Scout Sunday.  He is missing the warmer weather.  But all is not fever is hanging down around 100, which is a lot better than the 104.7 we had a few days ago.  He is drinking lots of liquids.  We have gone thru about 6 boxes of Kleenex...he DOES NOT like the ones with Vick's.

It's funny how thing work out.  A few weeks ago Tyler, our GI Joe in Kuwait, asked about sending Michael a Lego set and a new book in the Star Wars series that he introduced Michael to.  T-Bird is a huge Star Wars fan!  Guess what came in the mail yesterday....the second book in the series and a Lego set.  I'd say that was just a little God thing.  It has made me have less trips between the little ones in the basement and the third grader in our bedroom, two staircases away.  I have a feeling that he might just do a post on his blog about it.  Thanks Tyler and'll never know how much your thoughtfulness has affected all of us.


Unknown said…
Glad we could help. I just wish Sarah was into Star Wars as well then we could send her stuff too :)
Unknown said…
Hope he likes them :) Tell Sarah to get into Star Wars and we'll send her stuff too.

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