Thank You Jesus!

On so many levels I am thanking Jesus for just the small things today. All the little ones have gone down for a nap and they are all actually sleeping at the smae time. I am able to have a little "me time" today complete with two, count them two, Reese's heart-shaped peanutbutter wonderfulnesses! I know that is not actually a real word but that is how I feel about them at this moment. The wind is blowing, the windows are open to let fresh air in and the sun jsut came out. (Imagine a huge smile on my face). We have flowers coming up everywhere and the windchiles are sounding really beautiful today. Then to top the day off...a little something I got for Michael for a great report card/Valentine's Day/ and just because I am the Mom and I can...came just a minute ago. Michael has been pretty sick since last Wednesday night and we are all out of things to do, homework to complete, free movies and nap to take. little surprise came today...

Guess you will have to check out his blog to see what it you could never guess in a million years..


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