Road Trip With Pappy

The weather was a little warmer today...24 degrees, but the sun was shining so we decided to take a road trip. I was looking for barns and old stuff like that. But all we saw were snowmen, horses, freezing looking fields, frozen ponds and just a few birds. We almost ran out of gas...go figure! Pappy filled the tank and then got us a little snack for the trip back home. Here's the crew is waiting for their snacks.
As you can see Doodles was sunning herself...first thing she take off her shoes and socks.
What's good for the goose, is also good for the gander.  They crack me up!
Carter tried really hard to get his off but no luck.

Pappy went in the gas station to get some pretzels but came out with Bugles.  A snack from Bryce's childhood.  The girls loved them...Allyson kept calling them Christmas trees.  And you know that the proper way to eat Bugles is to put them on your fingertips like long fingernails and eat them off.  They thought that was just the coolest thing.  They are already asking when we can go with Pappy again.

When I was coaching them about our trip, they just could not get Bugles to come out always sounded like 'beagles'.  So we had some beagles for snack today.  I told you, never a dull moment!


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