The Napping House...Hopefully

Today is shaping up to being one of the most challenging days of my Wammy career.  Let's see where to begin....didn't sleep too well last night...up about every hour worring about our snack for scouts and the Pinewood Derby car.  Then the dog has to go out at 6AM to do nothing...Mark was already up and had already taken her out. 
Allyson in the green chair with a quilt and a special blanket.  With a runny nose and cough.
Carter feeling 100% and climbing all over everything.

Doodles on her second or third day of antibiotics.

Pretty laid back and pj day a Wammy's today.  Lunch in a bit and then hopefully three really tired campers that will take a well needed nap.  Wammy might be right there with them...a power nap for me.


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