Makes Me Feel Good

I have a friend in CA that I have written in the blog about before.  Her name is also Jan.  She likes to quilts.  She reads and shares her books.  She's a good cook and always is willing to share her recipes.  She has a new camera and loves taking pics and sharing those on photo challenge blogs.  She has been married since the beginning of time.  She loves her kids and grand kids.  She loves dogs.  She is my biggest fan and I am hers.  Do you get the impression that we have a lot in common?  Please visit her main blog and check her out.  She'd love to have you visit and maybe even become a follower. If you check our the right sidebar of her blog you can see that she is very busy writing other blogs as well.  It will be well worth you trip over.

Sooo, I was so surprised when I opened up the blog the other day to find this...
It is the most prestigious award...I am honored to accept this honor of the Academy Awards that I stayed up way too late watching last night.

And in the tradition of such awards, the 'rules':

1) If you are tagged, and you want to accept, then create a post on your blog and add the leibster blog pic.

2) Link back to the person who gave you the award and say if you accept.

3) Choose 3-5 of your favourite blogs to tag, link these in your post too and tell the lucky people they have been tagged.

The aim of this award is to bring unknown good blogs to light, (less than 50 Followers is ideal), therefore, please don't tag somebody with 3000 followers.

In passing the award forward I am choosing the following blogs...

Pottinger Photography...I met Brenda and her husband, Ben, a few years ago thru some really good friends.  I believe their photography is the best in the city.  And they are the nicest couple.  Whenever I have a camera question I know that I can email Brenda and she will give me an answer in camera language that I can understand.

Nature's Scenic View...Lona Dawn is my hero when it comes to nature photography close to home.  She is in Hocking Hills, OH which is not far from us.  She has several blogs and all of them are excellent.  I want to grow up to be a photographer just like her.  We have discovered many new places to hike thru her blogs.  Ans it is fun to photograph the same things she does.

Gina's Space...Gina and I met thru on of the blogs I write with some friends from WV.  She just happened on us one day and asked if she could join. (God's Abundant Gifts)  She is a very down to earth sweet person.  I always look forward to her entries on GAG because I know they will be stunning.

I hope you enjoy you time at the three winners I have chosen.  Please visit Jan's blogs and please take time to check me out too.  Thanks Jan this was a difficult task but way fun!


gina said…
thanks again!! that was so sweet and thoughtful of you. i finally got my post completed acknowledging the award. :) sorry it took me so long. i also checked out the other blogs you mentioned...great photographers. i would love visiting your neck of the woods with my camera...some great photo ops! :)

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