It's Been A Rough One

I know that I really don't have anything to really complain about but I just need to let you know that this week has not been one of our banner weeks. I have hardly had the camera out at all. Been a little busy with a few other things.
The week started out great...we even got to have a popcorn picnic after naps early in the week.

Carter is still cutting teeth so he doesn't do much sleeping...just a lot of chewing on everything.

He was thrilled when I took the sensory table apart and put the 'tub' on the floor for him.  Now he can reach in just like the girls and he is a much happier camper.

Like I said he is cutting teeth.  Now I have to 'bleach water' everything!
Michael got to go to scouts on Wednesday night...I should have know the week was going to go downhill from there...lots of sneezing, snot, grumpiness and funny sounding throat.
Doodles takes really good care of Sally.  Sally goes just about everywhere she goes.
Emmy's BFF, Erika...well, actually Erika's cleaning out her basement.  And we get all the goodies!  Check out the new Queen of the Basement!

Well, said Queen got in a bunch of trouble on Wednesday.  Won't go into it, but everything is fine now.  So she now 'gets' to take her nap in the basement (which is not a really bad thing, it is nice and warm and there is nothing she can get into that will hurt her or that she cam demolish....better be knocking on wood) in what she refers to as Carter's bed.  It looks almost like the pack-n-play that Carter sleeps in.  It is actually the one that Alyson used to sleep in but now she (Allyson) is sleeping in Michael's twin bed.  Sounds like musical beds around here.  Good thing we have plenty of rooms for everyone to have their own sleeping quarters.  Only bad thing is now I can't go down and do laundry or quilt while they are sleeping.  Oh darn, I guess I'll just have to take a nap everyday too.  Or maybe catch up on my reading  Darn, I really hate that!
She keeps us in stitches!

It is that time of year.  The time of year when I wish my Dad lived closer.  Cub Scouts...Pine Wood Derby.  We haven't had very good success with building our cars.  Bryce was I think scared for life and it is a story that will go down in history as the worst day in the life of a scout.  Michel is so excited.  Pray with we figure out what we are doing this time.

Michael ended up running at temp of 103.7.  Mark called the doctor's office and they said that there was a nasty virus going around they had been seeing lots of kids with his symptoms.  If he wasn't better with all the things we were doing...fever reducer, pain relievers, humidifier, liquids, allergy and asthma meds, cool showers...bring him in on Sat.  He looks like he was hit by a Mac truck and the they guy backed up over him.  The bad thing is...the Valentine's Exchange was Friday in his class.  Not to fear, Ms Renee and Luke pulled him thru.  Renee dropped his off  for his class and Luke brought his home from school.  And we still get to send in our special snack to school the next time he goes.
Mark was off Thursday and Friday this week.  Good thing.  He wasn't feeling up to par on Wednesday when he came home from work.  By Friday he was his good ol self.  Good sister called and was going to be in Columbus and wanted us to meet her for lunch half way between.  So Mark stayed home with Michael and the kids and I hit the road for a road trip to see Aunt RaRe or Gary as Allyson calls her...or even Wammy's friend as Doodles refers to her.  We met her at the Golden Arches in Jeffersonville at Prime Outlets.  Crack me up!  The kids were great.  Robin  got them fries and cookies to go with the lunches their Mom's packed.  After lunch the girls got to play on the play equipment while Carter was  content to sit on Aunt RaRe's lap.  We then loaded everything and everybody in the van and were able to hit a few shops before we had to leave.  Only down side to the day...we lost one of Allyson's new crocs from her Grandma.  I searched everywhere six times and there is no sight of it.  So last night after checking out every StrideRite store in the tri-state area I got on the Internet...we should have a new pair early next week.

Morning report...doing better...low grade fever.  I know that he doesn't feel 100% because he is not eating.  And that is a major indicator that he is sick...really sick.


Jan said…
Hope everyone is feeling better, soon. I talked to a lot people, lately, who've been sick with a flu/virus.

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