Blue and Gold Banquet

We spent the entire afternoon at Scarlet Oakes participating in the Blue and Gold Banquet. This years theme was Pirates. There were all kinds of activities for the boys and their parents to do. We didn't see much of Michael. He and Wyatt sat down the table from us.

Angie, our fearless leader, explaining things to the boys.

 Food was catered by Miami Market and the cake was delicious!

Nothing like a goo skeleton sucker head to get you thru all the 'boring' stuff.

One proud Mom with her new Bear Cub.

The Cincinnati Zoo brought some animals of prey that were a real hit with everyone.

Vegas, the Harris Hawk

Matilda, a Kookaburra

Eric, a large Stellar Sea Hawk

Cocoa, a beautiful Amazon parrot

Sweet Charlie, the African Penguin

Reno, a ten year old Hyacinth Macaw

Fiesta, a colorful Great winged Macaw


Jan said…
What a wonderful event, Jan. Thanks for sharing all the great photos. Whoever organized the banquet did a great job, especially including the zoo.
The Oakes said…
Ellis wants to know where the Eagle was??

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