The War Effort

I have a little project in my mind and I am going to need your help. As always before my blogging friends have been there for me when I was raising money for Cancer Research in honor of Sarah Beth or anything else I was doing. I have a special request. I received this email from my nephew, who is serving in the Army in Kuwait this morning....

I want to preface this with how much I appreciate everyone wanting to send me stuff. And how tough it is telling people that anytime I need most things, I can just go to our shoppet and get it. One thing is missing though. If anyone is feeling up to it, I could really go for some comic books. I'm sure many people on this email list just asked the same question all at once. And I the answer is I am 27 years old. If I could make some suggestions on the matter. My preference is most anything in the Marvel line. Also Darkhorse comics puts out alot of Star Wars stuff too. Those are very cool. Most of these titles are in the middle of the series, therefore, I would go down to your local comic book shop and just ask the guy what he has. If he has any back issues or if there are any series that are just starting. If not, then ask for comics that are "One Shots". They are stand alone comics that do not follow in a specific series. If anyone has any questions, please reply or call Sabrina. We have been together 10 years and she is more than able to answer any questions you might have. I know this is a little unorthodox, but I have put alot of thought into it, and I'm pretty excited to see what happends. I hope everyone is doing well. I dont know where December went. Our first full month in country. But I'm glad it went by fast.

I'm thinking with you help we can bombard him with comics. I know that he is totally bored some days and having comics will make his time go faster. i can feel from his emails and FB posts that he misses family and friends very much. So a little slices of home would be very much appreciated. And if I know him, he will somehow find a way to make a little spending money on it too when he finished reading them.

SGT Ellis, Tyler

TF 201 Brovo Company

Camp Boehring

APO AE 09330

Please help send a little bit of home to our 'G.I. Joe'. If you can't send comics how about just a short not saying thank you for keeping us all safe. And maybe a prayer or two for good measure. Thanks for your support!


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