Two Extra Hours

I know that I shouldn't watch the news and believe the weather forecasters about impending snow storms. But I just love a good Snow Day. Every time I hear that snow is on the way I can't sleep at night. I camp out on the living room couch with a book, flashlight, some tea, a few warm quilts and the dog and wait. Last nights storm was supposed to start at 1 AM. I was up every hour on the snow. This morning when Mark came down at 5Am to go to work, he told me that he was really disappointed in my Snow Dance abilities. He seems to think that if I do the Snow Dance in the buff we would have better results. Good try but not going to happen buster. The snow didn't start falling until 7:38AM. The kids at the bus stop were little white snowballs by the time the bus came.

We watched the snow all morning. The school called to let us know that they were letting school out two hours early. Mr. John, being the great neighbor that he is, called and made me an offer that I couldn't refuse....he would supply the manpower if I would supply the Big Green Cheese Snow Machine AKA the snow blower from WI. Deal! So we watched from the front window until Julie and Trevor came to pick up the little army of yahoos.

I see pure joy on those little faces. They are wanting Skyler to hurry up and get home. I'm heating up water for hot chocolate and have chocolate chip cookies in the oven. Let it snow...and I think I'll be doing the Snow Dance in the shower tonight.


Kathy said…
i looked at these snow pics the other day and didnt have time to comment. They are AWESOME Jan! you need to submit in contest...
and post on some canvas for wall photos. espec where michael has hands up

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