Lots Of Happy Children

 They called a Snow Day last night before the first flake flew.  Good thing...it has been snowing steadily since about 6:15AM.  I know, I waited all night for it.  The dog and me on the couch under two quilts staring out the window.  At one point, I think around 2:30AM we went outside.  I know...I am one sick puppy.
 After a morning of playing Wii Party and playing with Legos, it was time to hit the snow.
 The Three Amigos and the little princess.
 We didn't trim the grasses in the fall because the birds need the seeds in winter.  It might not be a bad place to stop for a little breather after surviving the day in the weather we have been having.
Mr John had just, literally, just finished shoveling his driveway when Snow Plow Man comes barreling around the curve.  I have the best neighbors....Mr John dug me out when he finished at his house.

FYI...I shoveled twice today.  And it will be the last time that I shovel the old school way.  I fell hard at the bottom of the driveway.  I'm hoping no neighbor saw how graceful I fell.  I can tell I am going to be really sore tomorrow morning.

SCHOOL UPDATE...We have a two  hour delay but I am guessing that if it continues to snow like it has been all day, that could change into SNOW DAY #2.  I'm doing the dance...in the shower!


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